Friday, February 25, 2011

Mommies should not get sick.

   When you have little guys it is so hard to be sick.  Since I am extremely anal retentive about my house and routine it has been a hard week.  Tuesday night I realized I was feeling achy all over and when I took my temperature it was 100.4.  Since I haven't had a fever in forever it was like being hit by a truck.  I have a new and profound sympathy for my kids when they have fevers.  After taking Tylenol and going to sleep early, only to have a very restless sleep I woke up feeling shaky and slightly hungover.  Wednesday is sheets and towels day in our house and I was determined to get that done.  I took kids to school, I tidied the house and I started loads of sheets and towels.  Then it was pick up time.  As the day wore on I started to feel worse. I just wanted to sleep or throw up and once again I had a fever, 101 this time. 
   When mom's are down for the count children are at their absolute worst.  They know that you feel like shit, so they try to get away with everything.  They wanted candy, I said yes just so they would leave me alone.  I was physically in my house, but had pretty much checked out at about 1:30.  To top off my sickness I wanted to clean because my friend was flying in on Thursday from St. Louis. When Chad finally got home I mustered up the guts to make the beds, practically passing out in the process and then was off to bed with a restless nights sleep AGAIN. 
   Thursday dawned and I still felt horrible, but there one thing that all woman have that men don't, FORTITUDE!!!  I sucked it up and swept and mopped my house.  I made sure the bathroom was clean and that my boys were forbidden to use it so it stayed clean.  I rested in between, but I got stuff done.  Luckily as the day went on I started to feel better and by the time Kathy did come I was well enough to go on the Moms Night Out that she had come for.  I truly think that if I was a man I wouldn't have been able to get out of bed for 3 days, but being a mom I got it done because I had to.  Unfortunately for my kids they had verbal wounds from a sick and tired mommy.  I am not a nice mommy when I am sick and tired and there was more swearing in our house than normal, but they know I love them and they'll get over it, eventually. 

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