Wednesday, March 9, 2011


   I hate doing errands.  It's not that I don't enjoy going to stores and finding things for my kids, house, people, food, etc... it's the thought and process of taking at least 2 children where ever I go.  Today I actually only had Kolin for an hour, so I decided to go to Walmart to get a DVD for Chad's birthday.  It's bad enough when you have to lug a child out of the car and into a cart, but it's even worse when you go in and they don't even have what you want.   I wanted to scream at someone, but Walmart employees are not worth it because they just give you a dumb look, trust me I've done it before.
  Lately my all time worst place to visit is the market.  Kolin has this annoying habit of reaching (and since he's a sumo wrestler in training he has a pretty good arm length) into the back of the cart grabbing food and either trying to take a bite out of it or chucking it at people walking by our cart.  I am that woman that you can hear yelling at her children from the other end of the store.  If Kolin has had a good day and hasn't chucked food at people his next favorite thing to do is take the food and throw it like a football onto the checkout counter.  I have lost eggs from him throwing cans on top of them.  VERY ANNOYING!!!
   I truly know that if I had a day with out kids I would be an extremely organized and calmer person.  That being said we haven't won the lotto and it isn't going to happen anytime soon.  For all those wonderful women who have help where they can go to the store with out their children...I spit on you because I am envious. xoxo

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