Wednesday, December 15, 2010


    My boys have fought since Cade was 2 and Cam was 8 months old and trying to take away a toy to drool on.  I know that siblings fight, but there are times that I cry because I am so frustrated by the constant hitting, bickering, and tattle telling.  After putting on face book that I was at my wits end I got a few responses on how to help the fighting and was surprised by most.
     A lot of people said exercise, but unfortunately most of my boys fighting is in the morning and since we're already strapped for time having them run around the block a few times would not help.  I don't think drinking will help the boys to stop fighting just dull the pain a little.  I really liked the suggestion to Velcro them to the wall and was in fact picturing a wall made of Velcro that I could put them on when they are bad.  The only real problem I saw with the Velcro wall was trying to get them in the special suit they'd have to wear to be put on the wall. Also, they might actually like that and it wouldn't be the punishment I meant it to be.  I have tried sending them to their rooms, but since Cade and Cam share a room it doesn't stop the fighting (though my friend Nikki's suggestion of having Cam or Cade in the guest room does have merit). 
    We have this mantra that Chad started when we only had two, "brothers love and hug", that we scream at them when they are beating the crap out of each other.  Sometimes they pause and repeat, but a lot it's I don't love him and I won't hug him.  Sigh. It's times like these that make me want to pull my hair out.  Add in at least one of the big boys spilling a cup of something sticky like apple juice or in this mornings moment chocolate milk and I scream. 
    As I try to tell myself every day today is a new day and it will be better.  I am going to make them hug each other for 30 seconds (thank you Mindy) and if that doesn't work they will be spending time in their room until they are able to play nicely with the other boys.  Now if I could just keep my sumo wrestler 18 month old out of all the boys stuff I may be able to pull it off.  Wish me luck and if that doesn't help, send over some wine.

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