Thursday, December 23, 2010


   Today I went to the dentist for me.  I hate the dentist and it isn't because of some childhood horror, nope it didn't start until after I had Cade.  I am one of those women that had all the good teeth karma sucked out of me when I got pregnant.  After I had Cade I had 3 cavities and one eventually became so bad that my tooth actually broke in half and I had to get a crown.  This was my first tooth incident.  Before that I had perfect teeth, no issues.  Now, not so much.  Why would I torture myself with going to the dentist 2 days before Christmas, because you gotta go and Chad is on vacation so I can go. 
   Always expecting the worst now that I've had children I was still a little un-prepared for the comments made by my dentist.  What did you say?  I have deep crevices in my two bottom molars that are eating away at the enamel and I really need to get them fixed?  Why? Because of my acid reflux and the excessive amount of soda I've been drinking.  Huh, weird, SINCE I DON'T HAVE ACID REFLUX OR DRINK SODA!!  WTF!  How can I have this issue with out having any kind of acid in my mouth?  Yep, once again thoroughly annoyed with my dental experience and so glad that I'll be starting the new year having to go back to the dentist for two fillings to "save" my teeth before the excessive acid can do any more permanent damage. 

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